Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The September Challenge Basket

I recently found The Crochet Crowd on Facebook and have been hooked ever since. I LOVE the inspiration found on both their FB page and their website. I've made a few things since joining the online community and one of them was this basket.  It comes from the Red Heart yarn library HERE as a free pattern. 

I made it because The Crochet Crowd issues a monthly challenge for their followers to create something and Septembers challenge was this pattern and I figured, WHY NOT?!  We were at liberty as to how to decorate it, it didn't have to be an owl to be entered into the challenge. 

Since I had a skein each of Red Heart Super Saver red and white yarn, I decided a holiday themed basket would be just the ticket. 

I embellished it with a Christmas tree and purple ornaments I made using scrap yarn I had laying around. 

I'm most proud of the basket itself because it was a whole new world of crochet stitches for me.  I learned quite a bit in entering this challenge and find that I'm a better crocheter for it.  Now to see if I win the randomly picked prize pack.

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