Friday, July 31, 2015

Been Awhile

As you can see it's been quite some time since I last posted.  I often forget about this blog, sadly.  If you follow me on Ravelry, you know I've been a bit busy over the last year or so.

Making things has become my favorite thing to do with spare moments in my day.  I've really learned a lot since I started hooking and I have all but forgotten about knitting. I do have a hibernating knitting project I'd like to finish up before the fall hits, so I might have to squeeze it in soon.

Crochet has become my official "hobby" though.  I feel like I can get so much more accomplished with my hooks.  I've made a lot of great things.  Some useful, some novelty.

Most recently I finished Hector the Hexapus, made from Yarnspirations Octavia the Octopus pattern.

In April I completed The Crochet Crowd's Mystery Crochet-a-long Challenge afghan.  My version, while I've grown attached to it, is quite atrocious.  The color combination selection was make it or break it on this challenge.

I also finally completed a Christmas gift for my in-laws sometime March.  I love the final outcome, but man it was TEDIOUS! The Retro Circles were a hit with the in-laws.

One of the most useful items I've made for myself was a beach bag.  I finished it the night before we left for the beach in June.  My hands were sore for a few days after finishing it. You never realize how tough working two strands of cotton yarn is until you finally finish. But man, it was so worth it.  It worked beautifully and I got loads of compliments on it. I created it out of my own brain and really need to write up a pattern for it.

So, what have you been up to?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The September Challenge Basket

I recently found The Crochet Crowd on Facebook and have been hooked ever since. I LOVE the inspiration found on both their FB page and their website. I've made a few things since joining the online community and one of them was this basket.  It comes from the Red Heart yarn library HERE as a free pattern. 

I made it because The Crochet Crowd issues a monthly challenge for their followers to create something and Septembers challenge was this pattern and I figured, WHY NOT?!  We were at liberty as to how to decorate it, it didn't have to be an owl to be entered into the challenge. 

Since I had a skein each of Red Heart Super Saver red and white yarn, I decided a holiday themed basket would be just the ticket. 

I embellished it with a Christmas tree and purple ornaments I made using scrap yarn I had laying around. 

I'm most proud of the basket itself because it was a whole new world of crochet stitches for me.  I learned quite a bit in entering this challenge and find that I'm a better crocheter for it.  Now to see if I win the randomly picked prize pack.

Camouflage Wristers

Fun little gift for a special Nephew who is turning 8 pretty soon.  These were made using another improvised pattern that anyone could have come up with.  It's a simple rib where each row is double crocheted in the back loops only.  I spiced it up a bit with finishing cuff on the wrist end and a border on the finger end.  Voila!

Simply Sweet Ruffle Scarf

I made this scarf for my dear friends oldest foster child.  A sweet scarf for a sweet girl.  She turned eight recently and I wanted to make her something special.  I figured with the colder weather approaching a scarf would fit the need and allow me some fun creative license.

As I sat down with the yarn and hook I just went with my heart and began crocheting.  I followed no pattern other than what my fingers wanted to do.

I chained a length I felt would be a perfect fit for the girl in mind then proceeded to work double crochet rows until my heart told me to stop and change it up a bit.  That's when I switched colors and decided the sweet girl needed a simply sweet ruffle. 

Following a ruffle pattern* I'd learned a while back, I completed the scarf and couldn't wait to see the look on the girls face as she unwrapped. As it turned out, it was priceless.  The girl gave me the brightest smile and the biggest hug, which made my day!

*ruffle pattern: (I sc across the length of the scarf when changing the colors of yarn I was using)

  • 2dc in each st across, ch2, turn
  • (2dc in first st, 1dc in next) repeat pattern across, ch2, turn
  • 2dc in first st, 1dc in each of next two st) repeat pattern across bind off, weave in ends.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

T-Shirt Yarn?!? Yes, please.

I've got a stack of old t-shirts cluttering up the closet that I need to get some use out of.

I did manage to cut up two shirts the other day, using one of them to make this little "hot pad" for use in our kitchen. 

I found a "how-to" tutorial on Pintrest for the best way to cut up old t-shirts to make a single long strand of usable yarn.  If you use Pintrest, simply search for "make t-shirt yarn" and you'll find plenty of pins on the subject!

I've got loads of old clothes that I could donate to Goodwill.  But they would probably just turn them around and sell them at ghastly prices.

But thanks to the creativity of others and the seemingly limitless possibilities found on Pintrest, I can up-cycle them myself into useful things. 

The hot pad above was whipped up in no time with a pretty simple crochet pattern that anyone can find just about anywhere.

I have another ball of brown t-shirt yarn that I can't wait to make something out of! 

What projects have you made out of t-shirt yarn? Feel free to share them in the comments section below!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fun Little Cross Body Bag

Not that kind of body bag...

This kind of body bag, the crossbody kind.

I was wanting to make something small for myself to carry my keys, phone and other small, lightweight items when I take my sweet little Leelu out for walks around the neighborhood.  My usual purse was just too much and weighed down the stroller so I was desperate to find or make something a little more practical.  The pattern (that I found for free) HERE, was just the ticket.

I kind of made my own special spin-off version using the pattern on the website above as a guide to keep me on track.  I'm considering going to the craft store to look for some sort of embellishment that I can add to make it look like it has watermelon seeds, since that is what this color combination makes me think of.  I've since made a few other versions of this pattern but haven't fully completed them.  When I do, I'll add pictures. 


Below is the picture of the Cross Body I made for my sister.  When it came time to make one for her I decided to make it a little bigger than mine so it could accomodate her Kindle Fire.  I also chose the yarn based on her love of the beach.  It's made with 100% cotton Sugar'n Cream Stripes in Natural Stripes. I added a nice wooden elongated button to add to the natural beauty of the bag.  She loved it!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Flower Power

I've decided to start making these flowers with leftover acrylic yarns that I have laying around for a future project.  I'm not quite sure if I'll turn them into an afghan or what yet, but I figure I might as well use up my scrap yarns in some kind of creative way.  I found the pattern for free on Ravelry HERE.  It's a super quick and easy crochet pattern.  It's technically for a dishcloth but I suppose you could make just about whatever you want with these fabulous flowers!